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The Kiss of Death: Hillary Campaigns for Gillum

by | Oct 23, 2018 | Articles, Politics

Despite multiple calls by those in the Democratic Party to stay out of the midterms, Hillary just can’t seem to stop herself from hitting the campaign trail. Perhaps she misses all the attention, or in that peculiar mind of hers, she believes she can do some good. Or maybe she is the least self-aware person on the face of the earth.

Loyal LN readers may remember that calls for Mrs. Clinton to go quietly into the night were written about just a few days ago. From the Daily Beast to The New York Times to rank-and-file Dems on Twitter and Facebook the message was clear:

Hillary: Please Just Go Away!

Tone deaf, Mrs. Clinton appears not to have read any of this press and is now ready to hit the campaign trail for Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. “I’m honored to have Secretary Clinton join me in Florida next month,” Gillum announced in a press release. Unless Florida is somehow different from the rest of the country, he may want to walk that statement back. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Americans like to come out on top.[/perfectpullquote]

Gillum has been locked in what appears to be a tight race with Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). Although a Quinnipiac poll last month had Gillum leading DeSantis by nine points the RealClearPolitics average as of Monday, October 22, shows the Tallahassee mayor ahead by a slim 3.7-point margin.

America Dislikes Losers

You would have to be hiding in a cave somewhere in Iraq not to have heard President Trump talk about winners and winning. And why, pray tell, does he do this? It’s because he understands the American psyche. For sure the citizenry loves an underdog, but when it comes right down to it, Americans like to come out on top. Who doesn’t?

Leftist entertainer and political observer Bill Maher punctuated this point a while back when he said:

“Hillary, stay in the woods, OK? You had your shot. You f—ed it up. You’re Bill Buckner. We had the World Series, and you let the grounder go through your legs.”

Maher – a minority owner in the New York Mets – is referring to the 1986 World Series when Buckner, who played first base for the Red Sox, allowed a “little roller” to go past him:  Blowing this simple play brought in the winning run for the Mets in Game 6. It was a historic loss, and it all went downhill for the Sox from there, with the Mets winning the Fall Classic.

The point Maher and others in the Democratic Party are making is that Hillary’s loss was epic, unforgivable, or, in her words, irredeemable. Thus, the team of Hillary and Gillum may be the political shot in the arm  DeSantis needs to re-take the lead and put him in the Florida governor’s office.

On the Other Hand

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]…bringing out Republican voters in droves.[/perfectpullquote]

Still, there are plenty of Democratic political operatives out there who claim that Mrs. Clinton will be a help to Gillum. Ben Pollara is one of them. He told the Miami Herald that Clinton did well in Miami-Dade County in 2016. “Definitely a good thing,” he said.

But Miami-Dade does not an election victory make. Florida is a vast and diverse state, and, in the end, Trump took the 29 electoral votes from the Sunshine State and rolled on to victory. Still, having the titan of losers on the campaign trail with you is a margin call. Will it help Gillum, or will it carry DeSantis over the top? If we were laying money on it in Vegas, I would put my bet on Hillary hurting Gillum by bringing out Republican voters in droves.

After all, Hillary Rodham Clinton does not seem to have the Midas touch and, in fact, has historically done just the opposite with most pies in which she puts her finger.

Who’s to say it won’t be more of the same this time?


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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