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Thoughts on War, Racism, and Collectivism

Thoughts on War, Racism, and Collectivism

Have you noticed how the left so often uses war rhetoric? They are social justice warriors, and they are fighting in a culture war. Karl Marx talked about class struggle. The national socialist Adolf Hitler wrote a book called “Mein Kampf” – my struggle. Incidentally,...
Lindsey Graham and the Warmonger Amen Chorus

Lindsey Graham and the Warmonger Amen Chorus

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is itching for the U.S. to engage in another war. Since advocating for an enhanced military presence in Africa, Graham is joining the chorus of politicians and experts demanding action in North Korea, even if it leads to the loss of...
The Neocons African “Adventures”

The Neocons African “Adventures”

The neoconservatives and the military-industrial complex have a new target in their sights: Africa. Concerned that the U.S. isn’t involved in enough wars and conflicts, the neocons are itching to get entrenched in another prolonged invasion and occupation, one that...