by Andrew Moran | Nov 5, 2022 | Business News, Lights, Camera, Action, Opinion, Swamponomics
The latest narrative from the Democrats and their left-leaning friends in the mainstream press is that the Republican Party will make inflation worse. It might make for a great talking point on the talk show circuit and the campaign trail, but there is little reality...
by Graham J Noble | Nov 5, 2022 | Articles, Good Reads, Media, Opinion
Democrats spend a great deal of time talking about perceived threats to democracy. They also like to focus on election “interference” – at least when an election doesn’t go their way. What they refuse to acknowledge is the media bias and spin obviously designed to...
by Sarah Cowgill | Oct 31, 2022 | Articles, Exclusive Member, Opinion, Politics
Darkness encroaches around battle-weary candidates as midterms come calling. The mantle is burdensome, and casualties horrific. Unless, that is, you are the one who prevails and will soon be heading to the Swamp. Who will win? Who will slink off to the hedgerow to...
by Sarah Cowgill | Oct 28, 2022 | Articles, Good Reads, Opinion, Politics
Midterm elections might finally show the Democratic Party it has lost an old stand-by loyal ballot caster once and for all. Hispanic voters are the second largest and fastest-growing demographic in the US electorate, and the left has taken them for granted – much like...
by Tim Donner | Oct 27, 2022 | Articles, Good Reads, Opinion, Politics
If you want to get elected to office and accomplish anything in politics these days, you had better convince independent voters of the validity of your ideas. For all the endless discussion of how Republicans and Democrats are going to cast their ballots and how every...