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Soros Money All Over CA Campaigns

Soros Money All Over CA Campaigns

 George Soros is targeting the United States’ criminal justice system in a new campaign against voters who doused cold water on his world domination plans by sweeping Trump into the Oval Office 16 short months ago. Soros, through his non-profit organization Open...
Time to Take Down the Fed

Time to Take Down the Fed

If you’re multi-tasking, click here for an audio version: During the Panic of 1907, when the New York Stock Exchange cratered 50% over a three-week period, the major power brokers in the financial sector convened to establish a game plan to prevent bank...
Monopoly Man At Senate Hearing

Monopoly Man At Senate Hearing

Rich Uncle Moneybags, otherwise known as the “Monopoly Man,” made a special appearance at the Equifax Senate Hearing Wednesday. While the attendance of such a prestigious character from the popular board game had its hilarious moments, the message being sent was clear...