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Midterm Election Watch: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona

Midterm Election Watch: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona

Editor’s Note: With so much heat rather than light in the media world today, Liberty Nation presents the following series on the crucial midterm elections that will be taking place. These elections will likely determine the course of the Trump presidency and as such...
LN Radio 1/21/18 – A Tale of Two Presidencies

LN Radio 1/21/18 – A Tale of Two Presidencies

We discuss how the first year of the Donald J. Trump administration has been either a smashing success, or unmitigated disaster, depending on which narrative you believe.  We look ahead to the 2018 midterms and the 2020 presidential election.  Plus, Jeff Flake melts...
LN Radio 1/12/18 – Trump vs. Oprah?

LN Radio 1/12/18 – Trump vs. Oprah?

Donald Trump puts on a mini-reality show at the White House, while excitement builds over a possible Oprah presidential bid.  We discuss the Cliven Bundy story, an American tragedy, and the lawsuits filed by Trump against Fusion GPS and BuzzFeed, and a potential suit...
Midterm Election Watch: The Highest Stakes of All

Midterm Election Watch: The Highest Stakes of All

Editor’s Note: With so much heat rather than light in the media world today, Liberty Nation plans the following series on the crucial midterm elections that will be taking place. These elections will likely determine the course of the Trump presidency and as such...
The Perception and Reality of the DACA Decision

The Perception and Reality of the DACA Decision

In a San Francisco court, Judge William Alsup ruled that the president does not have the legal authority to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and that, temporarily, those who failed to reapply would be allowed to do so. The judge stressed...