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Campus Follies: White Racism Course Begins

Campus Follies: White Racism Course Begins

This past week, many collegegoers across the U.S., including myself, enthusiastically began the spring semester.  For one campus, however, the first day of a controversial class consisted of law enforcement standing guard due to the threat of violence. Ted Thornhill,...
Millennials and the Moral Threat to the Future

Millennials and the Moral Threat to the Future

During World War II, the famous British playwright Bernard Shaw proclaimed that those incapable of economically contributing to society should be exterminated.  The beliefs from the Fabian socialist Shaw supported Adolf Hitler’s murderous regime against the...
Campus Follies: Revealing Biased Psychology

Campus Follies: Revealing Biased Psychology

Conservatives are more susceptible to believe in lies, Fear and Anxiety Drive Conservatives, Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don’t: these are just a few fallacious studies snatched by the media posing as fact.  They permeate American society corrupting the...