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Merry Christmas, Stockholders!

Merry Christmas, Stockholders!

When Trump took office, the left prognosticated that the stock market would crash, the U.S. dollar would collapse, and doomsday would arrive. Did that happen? Like all the other predictions during the 2016 election, the left was dead wrong. It may be a bubble induced...
Bitcoin Billionaire Boom

Bitcoin Billionaire Boom

In 2013, the Winklevoss brothers announced that they owned 1% of all bitcoins in existence at the time. They had spent a significant portion of their settlement with Mark Zuckerberg over his alleged theft of their social media site idea on the cryptocurrency. At...
Goldman Tergiversates On Bitcoin

Goldman Tergiversates On Bitcoin

For years, Goldman Sachs has dismissed the peer-to-peer decentralized digital currency bitcoin. The Wall Street behemoth repeatedly warned that the cryptocurrency is risky and stated that its meteoric rise since its inception is insignificant. However, the financial...