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Results for "election"

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice had better lawyer up. According to Fox News, the former National Security Advisor requested to unmask the names of Trump officials who had been ensnared in surveillance operations.

Did Trump Promise Too Much Too Quickly?

Did Trump Promise Too Much Too Quickly?

Trump set the bar too high and the Republican Party is now in disarray over healthcare. Other policy issues may now be further delayed as the party scrambles to come up with a viable solution before the 2018 mid-term elections. The Democratic Party has no clear message but republican failure on the healthcare issue may hand them one on a silver platter.

Donald Trump And The Rude Awakening

Donald Trump And The Rude Awakening

In response to the snarky letter written to the president by his friend Maureen Dowd in the NY Times, here is a dueling correspondence from yours truly, and the fine folks at Liberty Nation.