And so it seems that President Trump has been right all along.
Results for "January 6"
Trump’s Financial Disclosures Don’t Satisfy The Dems
Even though the president has released financial disclosures, that’s not enough for the left, who are still demanding tax returns — even though the disclosures give them more information.
Charlottesville, Virginia Is Doubling Down On Dumb
This week’s primary elections confirmed it—little Charlottesville, Virginia is determined to become San Francisco, or at least Oakland.
Who Was Alexandria Shooter James Hodgkinson?
Liberty Nation has exclusive information on the Alexandria shooter, James Hodgkinson.
Long Island Homicides and MS 13
It’s time to get MS-13 and their ilk, as President Trump said, “the hell out of our country.”
A True Hate Crime by Anti-Trump White Nationalist
It seemed likely that Christian could carry out a dangerous attack at any moment, especially given his criminal history, which included first-degree robbery and second-degree kidnapping. However, his social media usage may have been the most significant warning sign.
Madoff’s Fraud Victims Aren’t Getting Paid
In that time since Bernard Madoff was arrested for his multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme, victims have yet to receive one red cent from the company the Justice Department hired to take care of the $4 billion recovered from the landmark case.
Rear Admiral Sentenced In “Fat Leonard” Bribery Scandal
Do you remember Fat Leonard? Rear Admiral Robert Gilbeau does. The retired admiral has been sentenced to 18 months of jail time for his involvement in the Fat Leonard bribery scandal, which cost the United States Navy more than $34 million over the course of a decade.
Omnibus Bill: Gun Collectors Take Note
Before you yawn and click – this is not your ordinary article about the omnibus bill. In fact, it should cause bells to go off in the heads of every liberty-minded Second Amendment lover.