When DeVos came to the national stage in November, the left, still reeling from their tragic loss, scrambled to put dossiers together highlighting the thousands of reasons to reject this smart, savvy, eloquent woman who has been an ardent advocate for education for decades.
Results for "Hollywood"
The Millennial View: School Choice Matters
Would creating competition for public schools truly be beneficial? Is school choice a good idea? The answer is a resounding yes.
A Speech to Denounce Meryl Streep
A speech for those Americans who will never get to pontificate on an awards show stage like Meryl Streep but would love to respond anyway.
The Sports Media: Just as Biased as Their “News” Brethren
With the millions of people across the land who watch, listen and read about sports in this sports-crazed land of...
Steve Bannon – The Liberals’ Boogeyman
Admittedly, Mr. Bannon is something of an enigma. Perhaps now we know why.
Eggs and Their Consequences
Don’t these “losers and clowns” recognize the need for change?