Even searching “google bias” brings up biased results in Google!
Results for "Hollywood"
The Liberal Love Affair with Spooks
How Liberals Learned to Love the CIA.
Dinesh D’Sousa and the Party Switch Hoax
The left not impressed with “Death of a Nation” film.
CA Politicos Go Full Tilt for Racists and Sex Predators
From removing the Trump star to giving half of the state to the Native Americans, California has come unhinged.
The Democrats Love Affair with Saul Alinsky: Part 1
Rule No. 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
UK Seeks to Rate and Censor Media
All roads lead to indoctrination in this Brave New World.
California: Division, Corruption, and a Fleeing Populace
The Californian Exodus continues as state Supreme Court rules against a split.
New Democrat Strategy: Sucker-Punch the President
Is the alt-left finally overrunning sanity and reason inside the Democratic Party?
The Chieftain and the Shaman
How politics can be related to the Chieftain and the Shaman.