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SAY WHAT: The Left Outs Itself on Guns

by | Apr 2, 2018 | Columns

Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing and damnable things uttered by politicians and the chattering class.  Here is the latest episode:

Tim Donner: This week we are blessed with ample material – from Stormy to Stevens. From the public spectacle of a porn star discussing sex with Donald Trump a dozen years ago to the breathtaking assertion by a recently retired Supreme Court justice that we should repeal the Second Amendment. Start with the media created frenzy and fallout over that interview by Anderson Cooper on the once-respectable 60 Minutes on CBS with a woman who’s apparently the hottest porn star in America out to break her nondisclosure agreement with Donald Trump after they had consensual sex once in 2006. The story was treated as some sort of national emergency and sparked heated emotional arguments all over TV, including this one on CNN between Trump supporter Paris Dennard discussing the payment made to the porn star and the “Republican” strategist and Trump hater Rick Wilson.

Paris Dennard: All of this extra comment about what Stormy has to say or what she doesn’t have to say is just to embarrass the First Lady because her commentary has nothing to do with the presidency. Let’s have a conversation and let the lawyers figure out if there is something untoward about the payment. Did it come from the Trump Organization? Did it come from President Trump? Michael Cohen says it didn’t. Michael Cohen says he took it out of his own line of credit from his mortgage to pay for it because he is someone who supports the president and didn’t want this getting out. That’s on Micheal Cohen not on the president.

“Republican” Strategist Rick Wilson

Rick Wilson: The argument that Donald Trump’s lifelong pattern of infidelity, adultery, shattering every vow of every one of his marriages by his own admission and the fact that Donald Trump screwed a porn star. Now, I don’t think Melania Trump is going to be more embarrassed by what Michael Cohen or Stormy Daniels has to say than by the fact that a few months after she had a kid her husband was screwing a porn star. That’s what you’re saying is okay. I get it. You accept that. That’s part of your moral framework. That’s part of your moral landscape. Good for you.

Tim Donner: Again, that last guy was a so-called Republican strategist Rick Wilson saying things about the president of his own party that would make the left blush. Rick Wilson, the type of Republican CNN just loves. It’s remarkable. Well actually, it’s no longer remarkable. Now, it’s totally predictable that the left wing media no longer talking Russia collusion or obstruction of justice so much following a string of damaging revelations about the Obama FBI and Justice Department wants now to use this Stormy Daniels thing as the basis for taking down the president as the attack Trump and defend Stormy, the reverse of when they defended Bill Clinton and ridiculed and shamed his accusers like Paula Jones.

Paula Jones: We did not get the same kind of coverage that she’s getting. We were made fun of, we were talked about, we were on late night talk shows making fun of us. Remember, James Carville   -dragging a $100 bill through a trailer park.  Yes. That’s the way they treated us and this was a serious thing.

Tim Donner: Now, Paula Jones and the others accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. Stormy made no such claim against Trump, but accepted a six-figure nondisclosure settlement and now wants it declared null and void so she can write a book and likely somewhere in seven figures. We will talk about the legal situation surrounding this when Scott Cosenza, libertynation.com legal affairs editor, joins us later in the show. While everyone knew that 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels was coming weeks in advance, what a former Supreme Court Justice wrote in the New York Times this week sent shockwaves through official Washington as well as both gun rights and gun control activists who have been ramping up their attacks on each other since the massacre at Stoneman Douglas.

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

97-year-old John Paul Stevens, who retired from the Supreme Court eight years ago, wrote that the Second Amendment, which carries with it the right to bear arms, should be repealed. Now, Stephens was at the far left progressive end of the court even though he was appointed by a Republican and it begs the question of how different federal law might be if the justices appointed by Republicans who turned progressive, Stephens, David Souter, and going way back Earl Warren, in particular, had turned out to be the constitutionalists they were cracked up to be. But, that’s a question for another day. For now, what Stephens said seemed to unmask the true intentions of gun control activists as Catherine Lucey of the Associated Press and conservative commentator Buck Sexton opined on Fox News.

Catherine Lucey: It does play into this argument that you’ll hear from gun owners and the National Rifle Association, this anxiety that the real agenda from some of these gun control advocates is to really try and repeal the Second Amendment.

Buck Sexton: We keep seeing instances like this with very prominent voices from the left or from the Democrat Party who say what we all think they actually believe which is that they would like there to be if not an outright ban, something very close to a ban on firearms and private hands of all kind.

Tim Donner: Now whether the left wants to grab all the guns is debatable. But one thing is not. As Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal said on Fox the Climate is right for actually protecting the Second Amendment.

Kim Strassel: Despite everyone talking about how these marchers signal some new front and some new change in the politics, the reality is in Washington this is probably the most pro-Second Amendment Republican Congress potentially in history. Nobody is going down the road of assault weapons bans. They just passed the Fix NICS Bill as part of the Omnibus, which does sure up some things in our background system. Many of them feel confident that that does provide them a way of saying that they’re doing something about this issue, but they are not going to take up any legislation on this.

Tim Donner: Now, these issues we’ve discussed, guns and the president’s sex life, are diverting attention from the most substantive issue in play right now that massive Omnibus spending bill passed by Congress, signed by the president, replete with all manner of goodies for every known constituency as usual. The president says he won’t do this again and staunch conservative Congressman Louie Gohmert says Congress is ignoring the things that got Trump and the GOP elected in 2016.

Donald Trump: There are a lot of things that I’m unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill, but we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military we were forced to have. There are some things that we should have in the bill. But, I say to Congress I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.

Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX): There must not be anybody in the room that wants a wall, that wants to crack down on illegal immigration, that wants to do the things that got the president elected that kept our majorities for us. You got to remember even within a month of the election in 2016 we were being urged by our leadership to run from Trump and a bunch of us rared up and said you better not run from him. This is your only chance. You better get behind him. They have not pushed for anything that the president pushed for and it has hurt the party.

Tim Donner: Those Republicans are part of an entrenched establishment that will give no ground to President Trump on his priorities only their own as observed by Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway.

Kellyanne Conway: Battleships turn very slowly, but they can sometimes sink very quickly and people better realize who the captain is in this town. He came here to disrupt, to change the way of doing business. The American people responded in kind and I still feel like there are organizations in this city remaining nameless that don’t respond the way, that they aren’t honoring the will of the people and aren’t really adapting themselves to this president. They expect him to adapt to the city. That’s not going to happen.

Tim Donner: Indeed, after 15 months in office, if official Washington doesn’t realize that Donald Trump is not going to give in to the very people he ran against and won, they never will.

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