Note: This is the second in a series in which a Conservatarian seeks to understand the left.
Islamic terror attacks have once again stolen the spotlight from other, less violent news such as Supreme Court confirmations and possible government corruption. It almost seems that Islamic terrorists are jealous of our attention. As Liberty Nation’s Onar Åm reported, two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt were bombed during Palm Sunday services, leaving forty-three dead and over a hundred injured. reports that a French Jewish woman was recently thrown from her apartment window by a radical Muslim as he cried out “Allahu Akbar.”
Despite these examples of Islamic violence, those on the left maintain that Islam is a religion of peace and that any argument to the contrary is Islamophobia. True, there is a large group of moderate Muslims who don’t condone this violence and generally get along with everyone. The left demands that we allow these moderates to represent Islam – not the radicals. On the other hand, Christians get no tolerance from the left. Despite being the most persecuted group in the world, we just don’t seem to tug on the progressive heartstrings quite as hard as our Muslim neighbors.
Unable to make any sense of this apparently contradictory information, I saw no other option than to turn once again to my esteemed counterpart in the world of social justice, Mr. Sasha J. Warrick. I sent Sasha – I feel we are on a first name basis now as you’ll soon see why – a letter asking that he please explain to me what makes Christianity so reprehensible when it is Islam that seems to condone the murder of homosexuals, Christians, Jews, or anyone else who doesn’t follow the exact same rules as the ones doing the killing. As I suspected, Sasha was a well of enlightenment.
Dear Bigoted Christian (I think I’ll call you Bigot moving forward),
I see you have yet to overcome your infantile narrow world view. I had hoped, after our first correspondence, that you were well on your way to seeing the light. I see I was wrong. Well, perhaps there is still hope. You see? I am tolerant of Christians. I haven’t given up on you yet!
Your letter asks two questions, so I shall begin by explaining how Islam is a religion of peace. First of all, let us not judge an entire religion based on a few extremists. That is the very definition of Islamophobia! Let us instead look to the moderate majority of Muslims – such as the many who live here in the United States and have merged peacefully into our society. ISIS certainly doesn’t represent them. You claim to be a Christian. Does the corrupt Roman Catholic Church of the dark ages represent you? Do the imperialistic Christians of the Crusades represent all of your faith? This is, by the way, the reason that radical Islamists exist in the first place. Christian bigotry created them!
You also asked what makes Christianity “so reprehensible.” The answer, of course, is the intolerance so prevalent in mainstream Christianity. You Christians hate anyone who doesn’t believe in your cannibalistic Jesus-God, and you force your restrictive views on others at every opportunity. You would strip women of their reproductive rights. You would deny the LGBTQ community the right to be whoever they want and to love whomever they want. To even suggest that Christianity is more civilized and enlightened than Islam is fallacious. Look at your own history, Bigot. Just research the Crusades, the Salem witch trials, and the Inquisition. I have neither the time nor the inclination to address such ignorance today, and it’s not my responsibility to “prove” these facts anyway. Google it.
Sincerely wishing you enlightenment but beginning to worry,
Sasha J. Warrick
As you can see, that devolved quickly – though I suppose it was my own fault. Clearly, my ignorant language triggered his heightened sense of social justice. I suppose I should appreciate that he even took the time to respond. Still, Sasha did give me much to think about, and I can’t help but feel I am one step closer to finally understanding the progressive mind – such as it is.