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Rep. Frederica Wilson: Empty Barrel Now A Racist Term

by | Oct 22, 2017 | Satire

There are so many people who should be grateful to Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. Hatmakers, of course. White supremacists, because she gives their lives meaning. Hillary Clinton, because Wilson constantly reminds her that she’s only the second craziest old bat in the Democratic Party and Nancy Pelosi because Wilson makes her just the third craziest old bat in the Party.

Republicans should be extremely grateful to Wilson because – let’s face it – they can’t lose (no matter how hard they try) when the alternative is having people like Frederica Wilson in power.

Wilson is a walking stereotype – and a bad one. So much so that she really should be known as Tyler Perry’s Frederica Wilson. If Wilson keeps a diary, it was surely the inspiration for the title of one of Mr. Perry’s best-known movies.

Barrels Are Not Racist

White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly recently referred to her as “an empty barrel.” Of all the responses Wilson herself could have come up with, she chose to beclown herself further, if that were even possible, by accusing Kelly of racism. Democrats and other leftists have so completely trivialized racism by labeling everything and everyone they don’t like as racist. The word virtually has no meaning, these days. Yet, one can barely grasp the utter buffoonery of this dreadful woman proclaiming the term “empty barrel” to be racist.

What she is really saying, of course, is that the color of her skin places her above reproach, at all times and no matter what she says or does. Any criticism of her is racist. Kelly could have said anything and her response would have been the same. It is a great pity that Kelly, standing at the press secretary’s podium, hadn’t simply said, “I don’t much care for her tone.” Quite possibly, he thought about it. Such a remark would have broken the internet, but it would have been worth it. Instead, the General chose the more discrete option.

His description was accurate; Wilson is all mouth and no substance. The lights are on – all of them – but nobody’s home. Wilson is not just one can short of a six-pack, she’s short the entire six-pack. It would have been Guinness. She is, indeed, an empty barrel.

To borrow from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Wilson is but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets her hour upon the stage and then is heard no more (we hope). She is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Discredited Hillary

Sometimes, when barrels are full, they are full of uranium. Hillary Clinton knows this. In exchange for large amounts of cash, she helped engineer a deal that allowed Russia to make off with a great many barrels. Hillary still roams the country, not unlike Grendel,  on her crusade to convince the nation that she, and she, alone, was not to blame for her election defeat. It is actually quite amazing that she hasn’t yet blamed global warming.

The Uranium One affair has been a sleeper scandal. It was not unheard of, but new revelations about FBI involvement, bribery, and extortion have now come to light. It’s beginning to seem as if there was hardly a single member of the Obama administration who is not implicated. Despite their best efforts, the establishment media is not going to be able to divert the public’s attention for much longer.

Hillary is starting to face some questions about the whole sordid, treasonous plot. She shrugs and claims that the story has already been “discredited.” Not so, however. Her political career has been discredited. Her campaign was discredited. The idea that she wasn’t aware that her friend and bundler Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator has been discredited. There’s a whole lot of discredit, but none of it applies to the uranium caper. So, Hillary, you will hopefully have an opportunity – quite soon – to explain to a federal judge how discredited it all is.

A big thank you, then, to Lying Hillary Clinton and Wacky Frederica Wilson (Thank you, Mr. President). Along with Duncey Pelosi and Elizabeth ‘Fauxcahontas’ Warren, you remind us evil right-wingers, every time we grit our teeth to vote Republican, that it’s all worth it in the end, just to keep you crazy old bats out of power.

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