Last week, you could neither open a website nor look at a front page without seeing Judge Roy Moore’s face splashed across it writ large with accusations of sexual assault and harassment. But a brief perusal of the Monday morning papers will have you wondering where it all went? Why is it that the media have shut down their previous efforts against Moore? And could this signify a victory for the Alabama contender?
There are several factors at play in releasing Moore form “front page hell.” The most noticeable is the accusations against Senator Al Franken and his refusal to even consider standing down.
Many might think that the leftist media are going easy on Roy Moore because the case against him is so much weaker than that against Franken, and that perhaps they are not willing to step foot into the hypocrite trap. But that would be ignoring the revelations that came out over the weekend.
Stinks of a Set-Up
The most damning “evidence” released so far against Moore is a yearbook message from 1977 that would at least place him in the vicinity of the alleged victim around the time she claims the assault happened. But two startling pieces of information have come to light that cast doubts on whether any of this happened at all, and also whether this may, in fact, be a Democrat set up.
What is not being reported by any of the leftist media is that the alleged signature of Moore is beginning to look like an inept con. Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook has a signature that says “Roy Moore DA.” But Moore’s former law clerk, Delbra Adams, says that those “DA” initials are hers and are copied from a divorce decree awarded to Nelson. She states that when the judge’s signature was stamped, she would always place her initials next to it to verify that it was an authentic stamp.
So it is beginning to look like the signature was forged onto the yearbook without realizing that the “DA” was Delbra Adams’ initial stamp. Remember that at the time, Moore wasn’t actually the DA.
Refusal to Cooperate
Nelson’s lawyer, Gloria Allred seems to have dug her own grave with the second factor. She has refused to hand over the yearbook for professional analysis despite requests from Moore and others. Not only this, but she refuses to answer plainly whether she has even asked her client if the signature is a fake. To pretty much every open ear, this sounds like Allred trying to extricate herself from a situation that she didn’t expect.
Allred has said that she will hand the yearbook over to a Senate Committee, which seeing as Moore is not (yet) a Senator, smacks of cowardice. If Moore is elected, she will drop the case, if he isn’t, she does not need to hand over the yearbook.
The Media Reaction
Despite not reporting on these factors, the leftist media is well aware that they exist and cast serious doubt on the whole story. They are choosing to back slowly away from the case because if they continued to report without mentioning the extreme likelihood of this being a Democrat set up, they will be open to major accusations of bias. But if they don’t report on it at all, they can claim ignorance.
The fact is that people who are truly interested in politics will find the truth anyway. Have these allegations damaged Moore? Probably. But will it be permanent damage? And as the reality emerges from the dark cloths of the media half-light, will Moore be a man vindicated by the truth and carried into those tainted yet hallowed halls?