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LN Radio 3/14/21 – The Future of the American Republic

LN Radio 3/14/21 – The Future of the American Republic

What is the Future of the American Republic? We take on that lofty question with our latest B&B panel, the best and brightest from LibertyNation.com – Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer, Socio-political Correspondent Jeff Charles and Heartland Correspondent Sarah Cowgill. Just how firm or fragile are the foundations of this constitutional republic? We focus on the baseline question of election integrity, without which a republic can not stand. We examine the state of our institutions which came under increasing fire during the Trump era, the live possibility of changes to the rules of Congress which would make it much easier for the party in power to essentially cancel the minority party, and the question of whether this constitutional republic has morphed into an oligarchy, meaning rule by the few and powerful. And we offer up predictions for the next two to four years and beyond.