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The Millennial View: Toxic Masculinity

The Millennial View: Toxic Masculinity

For many of our youth, masculinity is viewed as a poison to society. Liberal universities have also accepted the concept of toxic masculinity, and have deemed manhood as being oppressive and inherently violent, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice Unmasked, Again

Susan Rice had better lawyer up. According to Fox News, the former National Security Advisor requested to unmask the names of Trump officials who had been ensnared in surveillance operations.

President Trump Meeting With al-Sisi Of Egypt

President Trump Meeting With al-Sisi Of Egypt

President Trump meets today with President Abdul Fatah al-Sisi of Egypt. The meeting is widely expected to rebuild the relationship between Egypt and the United States, a relationship soured by former President Barack Obama freezing out cash flow financing to Egypt, one of the U.S.’s closest and longest-standing alliances in the region according to Reuters.