There’s a new game in Mid-town Manhattan setting tongues wagging as 21st Century Fox has tapped the Paul Weiss firm to investigate claims of sexual harassment against Bill O’Reilly, the most valuable player on the Fox roster. Rumors of Cosby-esque misdeeds have swirled around O’Reilly, like a diaphanous mist, since 2002, but this past week, they settled on him like an impenetrable fog.
UPDATED: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thinks Lindsey Graham Is A Woman
This one has to be seen to be believed — and it happened yesterday.
Update On Trump’s Meeting With Chinese President Xi Jinping
How the relationship between China and the United States plays out is still unclear, but this initial round of talks appears to be an advantageous beginning for both nations.
Pulitzer Prize Loses All Credibility
It’s no secret in the world of journalism that prizes are coveted and the corresponding accolades revered. As such the Pulitzer prize is the grand-daddy of them all — the big kahuna of journalism prizes. But it seems that long-established Academy Award of the scribes has gone to hell as well. Woe to the scribes and Pharisees whose whitewashed tombs of journalistic ethics which are summarily gone with the wind.
What If The Left Is Wrong On Climate Change?
“What if you are wrong on climate change?” Chris Wallace of Fox News asked the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt recently in an interview.
Susan Rice, You Gotta Lotta ‘Splainin’ to Do
From 1951 to 1957 television sets across America were tuned into the I love Lucy show. Through tears of laughter, Americans would be treated to Ricky Ricardo asking the same question to his wild and wacky wife Lucy to “splain.” Phrases like “Okay, ‘splain” and “Alright. Start ‘splaining” were common for Ricky to call out Lucy following one of her madcap escapades. For those of us old enough to remember that program it seems a perfect question to ask Susan Rice following her latest fiasco. Ok, Susan, “you got some splainin’ to do.”
The Millennial View: Millennials and Home Ownership
Part of the American Dream is to have a family, a home, financial stability, and the freedom to partake in leisure activities. Although many millennials are more interested in traveling and leisure experiences than in material items, their desire to purchase homes is increasing.
VIDEO: Man Dragged Off Of United Airlines Flight Because Airline Overbooked
The following disturbing video was posted to Twitter and Facebook earlier today.
Google Is Using Leftist Websites As Fact-Checker “Authorities”
The tech titan will use “authoritative sources” for fact-checking. But who are these so-called authoritative sources? PolitiFact, Salon, Snopes and The Washington Post. These are all liberal news websites with considerable biases, agendas, and slants.