The people may decide that Trump is the leading edge of a permanent transformation of the American political system.
The Climate Change Battle Part 2
Trump will not kill Planet Earth, but he may just kill the progressive movement – at least for a generation or two.
The Climate Change Battle – Part 1
The progressive movement, which has gambled heavily on radical environmentalist policies, is now faced with the prospect of fighting an administration determined to roll back that crusade.
Milo Yiannopoulous Resigns From Breitbart, Says Book Will Still Publish
The Milo Yiannopoulous story is far from over; the conservative personality announced his resignation from Breitbart News at a press conference February 21.
Resistance Recess Reality Play
There’s a new reality play coming to a town or city near you this week. It’s titled Resistance Recess -- directed...
Milo Yiannopoulous and the CPAC Scandal
It’s what’s become a real “he said, he said” scandal, that frequent target of the left, Milo Yiannopoulous, has...
Rand Paul, Truth-Teller
Unlike seemingly every other Republican on Capitol Hill, Sen. Rand Paul is willing to take on the war hawks in general, and Sen. John McCain in particular.
Melania’s Prayer & The Deplorable Left
Melania Trump recited the Lord’s Prayer at a rally at the Orlando-Melbourne Airport in Florida this weekend, and...
The Left’s Truth & Consequences
Donald Trump acted like this as a businessman. And a TV star. And a candidate, And President-Elect. So what...