Brussels plans to resettle migrants across the EU, but Hungary will have none of it.
Results for "woke"
Conservative Sunday Digest – Editorial Picks
Settle back and enjoy LN’s top five stories from this week.
Are the Democrats Committing Electoral Suicide? WaPo Says Yes
Democrats are misinterpreting their mandate and dramatically overestimating the popularity of their agenda.
The Left’s Hoax Machine in Full Swing
Leftists’ belief in narrative over facts represents a clear and present danger to America.
Play Harding & Keep Coolidge on Presidents’ Day
Presidents’ Day is here, a time to debate who is the best and worst chief executive.
Democrats Eat Their Socialist Young
Socialist upstarts in Congress nipping at old guard Dems may be too “woke” for their own good.
Will a Schultz Presidential Run Hand Trump Victory?
Former “woke” Starbucks CEO commits a progressive mortal sin.
Ford Joins the SJW Cause
Ford terminated a contractor for spouting basic science.
SAY WHAT? The Immoral Wall and Trump as Traitor
Voices of reason and unreason on the wall, Trump as spy, and two more Dem hats in the ring.