In the second part of this revealing exclusive interview, Donna Brazile talks about hacking and fear.
Results for "infrastructure"
Prince William and Population Control
The Royals call for population control, but are they practicing what they preach?
The Neocons African “Adventures”
What’s behind the U.S. military presence across Africa?
Today’s Television: Death by a Thousand Cuts
The evolution of TV programming over the last 70 years leads me to believe that the end is near.
How to Fix the Economy while Reducing Environmental Impact
An artificially low-interest rate rewards short-term consumption, and punishes long-term investment.
Jones Act Killing Puerto Ricans
Not only has this shipping restriction impacted relief efforts, it has also contributed to Puerto Rico’s economic demise.
Block Grant$, Other Money For Disaster Recovery
The most pressing are the questions of where the money to fix this will come from and how soon it will arrive.
Hurricane Harvey Means Higher Gas Prices
The Category 4 hurricane will go down as one of the worst storms in U.S. history.
Hurricane Harvey – Blame it on Climate Change?
Blaming Harvey on climate change is cheap and easy.