President Trump has finally revealed the framework of his tax reform plan, courtesy of a press conference delivered Wednesday afternoon by Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn and Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. They presented the tax proposal as the most significant piece of legislation since 1986.
Results for "Democrats"
Democrat Representative Looks To Rewrite The 25th Amendment
Not content to abide by the law of the land, one Democrat is now actively trying to change it. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) recently submitted a bill to Congress that essentially rewrites the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion
New Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez has had a bit of a tough weekend in the world of social media. His statement, Friday, about the party’s stance on abortion – and his implied intention to withhold support from pro-life candidates – has effectively alienated many democrat voters and even several elected Democratic politicians. His statement also represents the party’s continued shift to the extreme left.
The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est
How to explain this seeming departure from the normal American pattern of accepting the electoral facts, and then continuing the fight in the various constitutional and other forums the system provides? Why is it so different this time? Why are presidential tax returns more important than an eyeball to eyeball confrontation in Northeast Asia? Why must we place the travel and residential preferences of non-US citizens over the security of Americans? Why must non-leftists be barred from the Supreme Court?
WaPo Claims Trump Won Due To Racism, But Poll Deceptive
Like the fabled boy who cried “wolf,” leftists have distorted and overused the ‘racist’ label to the point where all accusations of racism are viewed with skepticism. The victims of such a tactic are, of course, people – of any race – who become targets of actual racism.
Do Special Election Results Spell Trouble For The GOP?
They are typically dismissed as a minor news story because in most cases, the replacement politician is from the same party as the outgoing leader, and the balance of power in Washington remains the same. This was also the case recently in Kansas, where a Republican replaced a Republican, but the deeper story reveals an ominous possibility for the GOP in 2018.
Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 1
Editor’s Note: This is the first of a three part series on Conservatarianism, the blending of conservative and libertarian ideologies within the new Republican party.
Near Miss by GA Democrat Jon Ossoff Proves Little Has Changed
The result in Georgia, together with the GOP victory in the recent special congressional election in Kansas, suggests that Democrats have failed to gain strength since their devastating defeat in the 2016 elections.
Calexit Movement Splits, Withdraws Referendum For Secession
It appears the Calexit movement has come across a significant hurdle. The leader of Yes California, a separatist organization that was founded in 2015, announced on Monday that he is withdrawing his petition for a Calexit referendum and is making Russia his new home.