Unless the private session renders a mass of indisputable evidence, there appears to be a great lack of evidence in which to link President Trump to any serious wrongdoing.
Results for "Democrats"
Everytown Gun Safety Another Bloomberg Boondoggle
Though the description avoids the word “propaganda” and similar terms, it is clear that they intend to advocate for gun control through art.
Trump Plans To Privatize Air Traffic Control
On Monday, President Donald Trump announced plans to privatize air traffic control in the U.S.
Standby For A Privilege Tax!
The proposed tax would generate an estimated $1.7 billion per year from hedge funds and private-equity companies.
Russia Spotlight To Shine on Obama?
The tide may be turning or expanding in the Russia investigation – from a singular focus on Trump to the actions of Obama officials.
Trump Calls for Full-On Nuclear Option in Senate
President Donald J. Trump wants the United States Senate to abandon decades of tradition and invoke the nuclear option – but this time, not just for the Supreme Court, but all legislation.
Brawl in Texas Legislature Over Illegal Immigrants a Portent of Things to Come?
A scuffle broke out on the floor of the Texas Capitol Monday between state legislators after one of them called Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to investigate several protestors who held signs saying that they were illegal immigrants. Death threats ensued.
An Innovative Approach to 21st Century Healthcare
The idea of linking healthcare coverage to cell phone contracts might seem foolish, or even a joke, but the world today is unlike any era in the past.
JFK and Trump : More Similar Than You’d Think
It goes without saying that Kennedy and Trump have many differences. But there can be no denying that the two men have much in common.