The arguments of the gun control lobby have just exposed themselves as fraudulent.
Results for "Democrats"
ACLU Becomes Just Another Anti-Trump Movement
The once great ACLU has abandoned its core principles and become a shill for the progressive left.
The Final Desperate Gasps of Obamacare
A bonfire of the vanities for Obamacare.
LN Radio 1/7/18 – Friends to Enemies: Trump and Bannon
What was Steve Bannon thinking when he unloaded on President Trump? Can the Democrats take over Congress with no message other than opposition to Trump? And why is Jeff Sessions re-igniting the drug war?
Look Out OPEC, Here Come the Yanks
It’s bound to be a bloody charge for the Trump Rough Riders up San Juan Hill.
Yale Psychiatrist is 25th Amendment Tool
Deviousness is rife in this attempt to sway American voters…Using the Constitution against us!
Iranians Fight In Streets While Neocons and Journos Beat War Drums
Trump must resist the Mephistophelean nature of Graham and McCain, and refrain from getting involved.
Anti-Trumpism Alone Won’t Move the Needle for Flyover State Dems
The Silent Majority aren’t the only inhabitants of the flyover states, and the elite Swamp Dwellers would best pay attention to the Midwest in the coming months.
The Best and Worst of 2017: Riding the Roller Coaster with Trump
Donald Trump is God’s gift to some and the end of the world to others. Despite the roller coaster ride that was 2017, we haven’t seen Armageddon yet.