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Results for "election"

How The Left Ruined The Senate

How The Left Ruined The Senate

The Republican maneuver in response to Schumer – changing Senate rules to assure confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the high court – may well signal that the last vestiges of deliberative bipartisanship will soon disappear from the upper chamber.

Did Americans Elect A Family To The Presidency?

Did Americans Elect A Family To The Presidency?

Jared Kushner is a man who, thus far, has avoided the limelight but – at some point – he will have to take responsibility for failures, or successes, in the policy areas now under his influence. The rise or fall of his fortunes as a close confidante of the president will tell us all we need to know about how Donald Trump will square America’s interests with his loyalty to family.

The Silent Majority in Europe

The Silent Majority in Europe

For several decades, cultural Marxism has been completely dominating the public discourse. Until very recently, it would have been impossible for anyone to express views against multiculturalism without being branded a racist or right wing extremist.