What is it that cults and the political left have in common?
Results for "Hollywood"
ACLU Becomes Just Another Anti-Trump Movement
The once great ACLU has abandoned its core principles and become a shill for the progressive left.
The Donald Trump Big-League Loser Award
Forced at gunpoint to make a single selection for this soon-to-be-coveted award, we honor the man whose entire record of accomplishment over eight years is being tossed out the window.
The Hillary Clinton Memorial Sore Loser Award
After days of deliberation, the judges decided that in the spirit of the collectivist ideology so loved by the left, the award would go to the entire left.
Saudi America Brings OPEC to its Knees
Saudi America’s energy revolution will help bring about OPEC’s demise, and the sooner, the better.
Mueller, Trump, Strzok and Net Neutrality Too
The latest Talkin’ Liberty – we discuss the update in Mueller’s team Hillary, as well the Net Neutrality vote by the FCC.
The Reality of“#MeToo” Virtue Signaling
This campaign is not being used to enlighten, but rather to cover up.
The Liars Roundtable
When Tiger was caught, he said: “I thought because I’m rich, powerful, and famous – I can do whatever I want” That may sum up Hollywood as well.