If Canada and China were lovebugs, their Facebook relationship status would be “complicated.” For years, they...
Results for "China"
Bad News: China Becoming a Nuclear Peer to the United States
What will the United States do with China as a nuclear peer? The People's Republic of China (PRC) is rapidly...
China Foreign Minister in DC Deserves an Earful From US Officials
China reaches out to the United States on Thursday, Oct. 26, with a visit from Beijing's foreign policy chief...
Gavin Newsom’s Do-Nothing Mission to China
Despite strident denials that he is eyeing a 2024 presidential run, California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent...
America: Don’t Forget About Russia and China
It wasn’t frontpage news when Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China met in Beijing on...
China Takes a Piece of Bidenomics Corporate Welfare
President Joe Biden and his administration are celebrating as companies construct factories across the country –...
China’s Precarious Business Dealings
What can’t money buy? https://youtu.be/MMqc5-4yOXA
The Developing China Con
With Developing Nation status, China reaps the benefits of cheap cash. https://youtu.be/A0Qn1dzoiwM
The US China Oil Conundrum
Why would President Biden drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the benefit of China?...