Peace has for decades been illusive along the Israel border with the Hezbollah terrorists in the North and Hamas...
Results for "Twitter"
Adam Schiff Dupes Progressives in the Age of Trump
What if anti-Trumpian Democrat hero and current US Senate candidate Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been playing one...
A Matter of Perspectives on the McCarthy Ouster
The word “unprecedented” is oft overused – and mistakenly so – in political journalism; as Ecclesiastes reminds...
BREAKING: McCarthy Speakership Falls
The House of Representatives voted this afternoon (Oct. 3) on whether Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy would...
Matt Gaetz Makes His Move on McCarthy
After the last vote on Monday, October 2, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) filed his motion to oust Speaker of...
GOP Debate Brings an Inevitable Conclusion
Republican presidential hopefuls took to the stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley,...
Connect the Dots: A Chilling Picture of China Domination
In the last year, the operational tempo of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the South China Sea, the Sea of...
Boston U Anti-Racism Center Blows $40 Million in Three Years
On the heels of the Black Lives Matter debacle, the woke city of Boston is providing another potent example of...
America’s Love (But Mostly) Hate Relationship with Rupert Murdoch
Sometimes, allowing people to have their say before weighing in on a subject is beneficial. The announcement by...