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Results for "Bonds"

A Satire for the Fighting Irish

A Satire for the Fighting Irish

United States Vice President, Mike Pence, delivered a commencement speech Sunday at the former University of Notre Dame. Before he even had time to take out his notes, almost half of the alleged students attending the graduation ceremony stood up and walked out.

Safeguarding Your Money with Alternative Investments – Part 1

Safeguarding Your Money with Alternative Investments – Part 1

Chances are, most of you reading this have a retirement account filled with some mix of stocks and bonds. Nearly all of you have a credit card or a debit card in your wallet. Many readers own their homes, have a savings account, or put some money away in a college fund for their children. These are all mainstream investments, and make no mistake, they are required to live a typical American lifestyle. Is there any need for alternative investments above and beyond these financial mainstays?