The plot thickens with explosive accusations made this weekend by President Donald Trump that former President Obama tried to wiretap Trump Tower in New York City just prior to the election.
Results for "ln poll"
The Climate Change Battle Part 2
Trump will not kill Planet Earth, but he may just kill the progressive movement – at least for a generation or two.
Traffic Hell Costs Drivers More Than Just Patience
New research just released proves traffic is not just a pitiable infrastructure phenomenon but one that costs drivers real money.
How Trump Saved Coal Jobs in Pennsylvania
The President made people in coal country a promise, and just like so many of his other campaign pledges, he is — so far — making good on his word. Could this perhaps be the reason for his recent uptick in Presidential performance and favorability polls?
Parliaments’ Hypocritical Use of ‘Virtue Signaling’
To say that any real action took place in Parliament during this latest case of posturing would be grossly generous.
Attention Nordstrom Shoppers!
Welcome to the genesis of yet another ghetto in America. Not a racial ghetto mind you – but a political ghetto --...
Trump’s Regulation Rehab
An executive order that forces any government agency creating new regulations to repeal two existing ones.
Democrats and Islam – Blind Rage and Hypocrisy
The argument that this is a “Muslim ban” falls apart on so many different levels.
A Little Help
As the outraged reactions and mass scurrying to safe spaces prove, President Trump can do a lot through federal executive action to restore border security.