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Results for "Trump"

A President At Odds With Congress

A President At Odds With Congress

Trump’s greatest failing so far has been his unwillingness to bend congressional Republicans to his will. For the sake of a second term, he will need to find a way to out-maneuver both parties in Congress. He will need to become even more anti-government.

Why The Anti-Coulter Berkeley Protest Was A Victory

Why The Anti-Coulter Berkeley Protest Was A Victory

April 27, 2017, was a great day for liberty. After a scheduled speech by Ann Coulter was canceled due to security concerns, freedom of expression advocates descended on Berkeley, California to protest the cancellation of the event, rally for free speech and to read the text of Ms. Coulter’s speech out loud. For the first time in many months, they were mostly left alone to do so in peace. Why was this so monumental?

Dear White People: A Satire, But Not In The Way You Think

Dear White People: A Satire, But Not In The Way You Think

Premiering on Netflix this past weekend, each twenty-two-minute segment is rife with angst, gender identity crises, drug use, drinking and a cast of characters that engaged this viewer in the first minutes of episode one. One of the lessons learned is that writer, director, and creator of DWP, Justin Simien, has a universal message that America should hear. Everyone is to a degree, racist. Not just, as many have been indoctrinated to believe, the deplorable Trump voters.

Has Fascism Come to America?

Has Fascism Come to America?

When President Donald Trump entered the political arena, large swaths of the left quickly labeled him as fascist and “literally Hitler.” Those sentiments have grown into the communist activist group Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascism.” Their view is that the threat of fascism to America is so overwhelming that it justifies the use of pre-emptive violence.