Another politician has discovered that the use of social media is not a safe space for showcasing your...
Results for "Trump"
Now Trending: Violence against Republicans
Perhaps the most alarming trend in this violence, however, is its spread to apparently random common folk – people who previously settled for weeping over lost elections and screaming at the TV.
Segregation Makes a Comeback on Campus
In the name of progress, American schools are regressing by implementing segregation.
Putin To The Rescue
With a touch of barely concealed sarcasm, Putin revealed disappointment in his Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, for not passing on the classified information that President Trump had, apparently, revealed.
Chelsea Manning Released From Prison Today
Chelsea Manning is free today. Despite her sentence of 35 years in prison delivered in 2013 for giving “more than 700,000 government files to WikiLeaks, a gigantic leak that lifted the veil on American military and diplomatic activities around the world.”
Ivanka Pushes Dad to Socialist Healthcare
Since the start of Trump’s bid for the presidency, Ivanka has been advocating for social justice actions. If the U.S. government wants to do damage to female workers then it should enact mandated paid family leave.
Fake News Central and the Comey Affair
The American establishment media is doing the limbo again – as in how low can you go.
A Case for Ending White House Daily Press Briefings
White House press briefings are now nothing more than a daily opportunity for reporters to express their hostility towards President Donald Trump through adversarial questions.
North Korea Launches Another Missile
Despite initial suspicion of exaggerated state media propaganda, observers say that the weekend missile test suggested a significant technological advancement.