In the middle of the progressive free stuff, peace, love, and technicolor harmony (albeit in a currently...
Impeachment: Emblem of the Left’s One-Step Thinking
Success in politics has always required vision beyond the latest crisis and thinking beyond one’s own most...
Impeachment Groundhog Day Creating Public Apathy
This is how historical accounts of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump will read: “After searching,...
Will the Grim Repo Trigger a Financial Crisis?
What many had first considered a benign and trivial event in the Repurchase Agreement (repo) market has...
The Hillary Show: Clinton Selfishness Strikes Again
In a party struggling to define itself nationally as it seeks a standard-bearer for its 2020 challenge to an...
Deadly Coronavirus Reaches US – The Time to Act is Now
The deadly Coronavirus has arrived in Washington state, and officials are scrambling to contain this first U.S....
Climate Skeptics Are Part of the 97% Consensus
One of the most frequently cited numbers used to refute climate skeptics is the so-called 97% consensus among...
Could Judy Shelton Violate Federal Reserve Orthodoxy?
For the last century, the Federal Reserve has been seeped in indoctrinated Keynesian orthodoxy, comprised of men...
Impeachment Sham – The Right to a Fair Trial?
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, in the case of the House of Representatives vs. Donald John Trump, Senator Schumer (D-NY) took...