There are only a few things that can bring the nation together these days: demand for Marianne Williamson to...
Heartland: Just Say No to Nike and AOC
While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at...
Illegals Crime Report – June 27-July 2
Illegal Immigration is more than just a political talking point; the left seems determined to make us an...
SAY WHAT? Socialism on Parade – Part 2
SAY WHAT? is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing,...
SAY WHAT? Socialism on Parade – Part 1
SAY WHAT is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing,...
Truth TV Democrats’ Plans for America – Lots of Zeros – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Tim Donner dig deep and do the sums on how much the Green New Deal is really...
Truth TV: XX Chromosome Debate Post-Mortem – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Sarah Cowgill take a close examination of the fun and foibles of the 2020...
Flyover Folk Don’t Have Time for Dem Debate Posturing
While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at...
SAY WHAT? Fascist Trump’s Concentration Camps?
Say What is the segment of Liberty Nation Radio where we unveil some of the most wacky, astonishing,...