Traditionally, government programs dedicated to studying UFOs remained in the realm of science fiction and...
Wokeness Destroys the 4th Estate – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
Liberty Nation's Scott D. Cosenza and Jeff Charles examine the desperation with which media outlets attempt to...
Has the Great Conservative Defund Begun?
Conservative websites are in the crosshairs of Google, and it appears the push is based on foreign...
SCOTUS: Chickens Out on the Second Amendment
As time goes by, it is becoming all too clear that the U.S. Supreme Court would rather side-step state and local...
Woke Culture, BLM, and the Pandering Corporations
The pandering to black America is in full swing. From the original “woke” mega-corporation, Nike, to Starbucks,...
Protests, Police, and the George Floyd Movement – TRUTH TV
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner, Jeff Charles, and Scott D. Cosenza analyze civil unrest and the implications...
Fixing America’s Police Problem: Courts and Qualified Immunity
What about the Courts? It seems the whole judicial branch of government has been ignored in the discussions about...
Bill Gates – The Tyranny of the Forced Vaccination – TRUTH TV
Liberty Nation‘s Leesa K. Donner and Pennel Bird talk about Bill Gates's plans for global vaccination and his...
Twitter: Trump Is a Threat, but Destroying Monuments Is Fine
In the name of fairness and truth, Twitter has started fact-checking tweets to protect the public from lies,...