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Good Reads

LN Radio 12/27/20 – 2020: A Year Which Will Live in Infamy

LN Radio 12/27/20 – 2020: A Year Which Will Live in Infamy

In a special year-end edition, we review this year like no other with a panel of authors from LibertyNation.com. We revisit the haunting specter of the first pandemic in a hundred years and its debilitating effects on the nation and the world, the worst outbreak of urban violence in at least 50 years following the killing of George Floyd, and a bitterly disputed election which has, if possible, left the country even more unsettled, and we make some fearless predictions for 2021. Joining in are LibertyNation.com Editor-in-Chief Leesa K. Donner, Managing Editor Mark Angelides and Socio-Political Correspondent Jeff Charles.