Eric Swalwell (D-CA), the highly partisan Democrat, has made a name for himself over the last four years as one...
Good Reads
Department of Homeland Insecurity: Is Biden Repurposing DHS?
Working rapidly, President George W. Bush appointed the first director of the Office of Homeland Security just 11...
Rush Limbaugh: The Legend and Legacy
It is a regular occurrence – elevating someone in death beyond what they were in life. In the case of Rush...
Honey, Fire Up the Coal Stove, Our Clean Energy Is Frozen
Texans experienced an unprecedented cold snap with ice and snow that brought the 25% of electrical power produced...
Back to the 1970s as Commodities Supercycle Sparks Inflation
Was 2020 the year of not too many dollars flowing into your bank account? Well, be prepared for 2021 because this...
Can McConnell Pull GOP From Donald Trump?
Reliable Never Trumper Jeff Flake appears to be saying aloud what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)...
1930s and 2020s: The United States Has Been Here Before
Peter Senge, author and scientist, wrote that our “reality is made up of circles but we see straight lines.”...
The Politics of HollyWeird: #MeToo Movement Strikes Again
Editor’s Note: Whether on screen or off, Hollywood can always be counted on to keep us entertained. This is...
Biden’s Hidden Motives? – LN Radio Videocast
What are Biden's hidden motives behind his current method of ruling by decree?...