The co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, seems to think regulations may be needed for bitcoin....
Good Reads
Tales from the Swamp – Was Trump Right Again on COVID?
Former President Donald Trump was ridiculed for suggesting sunlight might help fight against COVID. But was he...
Swamponomics: All Quiet on the Wall Street Front?
Volatility and trading volumes in the U.S. financial market have been as quiet as a church mouse as of late. It...
Dems Dig the Dirt on 2024 GOP Hopefuls
Prominent senators and representatives are feeling the full force of the legacy media in recent weeks. Whether it...
Flyover Folks Serve Up Some Cold Shoulder
Editor’s Note: While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states,...
When Iran Says Talks Are Constructive, You’re Getting Fleeced
There is news on the world's diplomatic stage as Britain, China, France, Germany, and Russia re-engage with Iran...
New Executive Order: Court Packing is Back on the Docket
We’ve known for a while now that Joe Biden plans to pack the Supreme Court with more ideologically friendly...
Biden Head-Scratcher No. 4791: His Corporate Tax Hike Defense
America's 30th President, Calvin Coolidge, had a thing or two to say on the subjects of government and taxation....
Why Republicans Are Still Angry at the GOP
There is a lot of anger lingering in the American political stratosphere. Most expect the standard party warfare...