These actions by the undisputed king of internet data and search engines create a dangerous scenario.
Boots on the Ground: Perspectives on Iraq – Part 3
Louis’ story is a stark example of a country in ruin.
The Silencing of Your Cyber Voice Part 1 – Facebook
“I’m in Facebook jail,” he wrote recently from his alternate account.
Boots on the Ground: Perspectives on Iraq – Part 2
Today, we fast forward from the 2011 drawdown to an Iraq nearly free of US troops, and the situation that unfolded.
How Tiffany Smiley Will Help Make VA Great Again — If President Trump Listens
This young nurse may represent the best hope for changing a VA system that often appears too broken to save from itself.
Boots on the Ground: Perspectives on Iraq – Part 1
In the baton pass from Barack Obama to President Trump, a veritable mountain of postponed, muddled and unsystematic military strategy in Iraq is a pressing issue that the new administration must tackle head-on.
Murder in the Windy City of Chicago
In these anxious days of point-of-view reporting, it can become challenging to sort out truth from fiction. Some...
Twitter Safety Changes Spell More Trouble for the Right
If the company weren’t so hell-bent on pushing the left’s narrative, perhaps they wouldn’t be losing so many users to Gab.
Guess Who’s Looking at Your Old Emails
It may shock you to know that currently, no warrant is necessary for any email more than one hundred eighty days old – about six months.