Donald Trump showed his dedication to the men and women who have served on Friday, June 2 by signing the bill S.538 – “American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017” – into law.
Pandemic: The Latest Vault 7 CIA Virus Leak
The latest Vault 7 disclosure is especially frightening.
Everytown Gun Safety Another Bloomberg Boondoggle
Though the description avoids the word “propaganda” and similar terms, it is clear that they intend to advocate for gun control through art.
Sessions Forbids Settlement Corruption at DOJ
Trump/Sessions – restoring an apolitical tone to the United States Department of Justice!
Portland Left Explodes With Political Violence – 12 Arrested
On May 26th, three white males were stabbed on a MAX train in Portland after defending two hijab-wearing teenage...
Courts Protecting People From Government Stealing Through Forfeiture
…unethical police, prosecutors, and judges have allowed various agencies to run amok, to the point that every day people are unsafe from being robbed at gunpoint by law enforcement.
Connecticut Assault on Gun Owners
Everyone knows that once something is enshrined into law, it is exponentially harder to remove.
Spying on Journalists – The Sequel
It looks like the government is at it again.
Teen Sexters Headed for Trouble
This bill would put our nation’s children in danger of unwarranted sex offense convictions, possibly ruining their chances of a stable job and college career.