The Fifth Circuit has ruled that denying service to a customer based on your religious convictions is legal.
SCOTUS Allows Public Funding For Trinity Church Playground
SCOTUS’ ruling brings to mind the question about the state funding religious organizations.
Supreme Court: Travel Ban O.K. for some, not all
Yesterday the Supreme Court acted on the Trump administration’s appeal of the “Travel Ban,” or Executive Order...
Vault 7: Brutal Kangaroo Targets Offline Computers
Computers not connected to the internet are vulnerable to the government and hackers too. Here’s how.
Mexico Is Spying On Their Citizens Too
It turns out that even third world countries can afford to run a surveillance state.
New SCOTUS Decisions For This Week
This week the Supreme Court handed down several new decisions. LN takes a closer look.
VA Privatization Fear Won’t Help Anyone
Allowing a fear of privatization to quash innovation, suppress the exploration of untested practices, and impede breaking with convention will be a disservice to those who defended our country and now await meaningful change to a system that just about all involved say is badly needed.
More Fraud, Waste, And Abuse At The Pentagon
Would it surprise you to know that the Pentagon wasted $28 million on purchasing expensive “forest” patterned camouflage uniforms for the Afghan Army? And it gets worse.
New SCOTUS Decisions This Week In Several Cases
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) released several new decisions June 19 which are of interest to conservatarians.