Peaceful protest has become dangerous.
Stormy Daniels Arrest Reveals Broken System
Stormy’s arrest and release reveal several profoundly disturbing features of our justice system that cry out for reform.
Seattle Shoots for Gun Safety and Misses
Seattle’s new gun law a dead miss.
Justice Served: Trump Pardons Oregon Ranchers
Seemingly victims of a federal land grab, the Hammonds are now pardoned of their supposed arson.
Has War on Drugs Won its First Major Battle?
Sinaloa cartel member under arrest; war on drugs gets huge break.
Brett Kavanaugh – Evaluating Trump’s SCOTUS Pick
The facts from the fiction on Trump’s SCOTUS pick.
Vets: Why are Illegals More Important?
Why does the left prioritize illegal immigrants over our own veterans?
The Case of the Banana Republic vs. Paul Manafort and Co.
What happened to due process and to the right to a speedy trial?
March for Our Rights – 2A Rallies Ignored by Media
Marches in support of the Second Amendment ignored by leftist media.