Despite the US and its allies attempting to provide safe passage in the Red Sea, the international waterway...
Facebook Faces Justices – Uprising
In this Uprising clip, Scott and Tim play clips from the free speech challenges to laws controlling social media...
NYC Poses an Equal Justice Quandary
With the Trump verdict came a lot of questions and more than a little concern....
US Air Force Reorganizing to Meet China Threat
The US Air Force is not prepared to meet the China threat. That was one of the first assessments of Secretary of...
Publishers and Pushers?
Will the Supreme Court justices make a final determination on whether social media can censor its users?...
Supreme Court Decides in Favor of Trump – READ IN FULL
The Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision in the case Trump v. Anderson which ruled former...
The Uprising Podcast: SCOTUS Readies for Trump
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear Donald Trump's immunity claim. We discuss why it's a devastating defeat for...
James Biden’s Congressional Interview Transcript – READ IN FULL
The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, along with the Judiciary Committee, released the redacted...
Russia Sponsors Pow Wow With Palestinian Terrorists
Russian President Vladimir Putin sponsored an outreach to Palestinian terrorists. Does Russia really need Hamas,...