The city of Baltimore wants American taxpayers to support illegal aliens.
Illegal Immigration
Illegals Crime Report – November 22-28
Murder on Thanksgiving and a previously deported rapist tops this week’s crime report.
The Big Lie: All Immigration is Created Equal
Report exposes who is a benefit to the nation, and who is a drain.
Breaking the MSM and Solving Illegal Immigration – A Good day for Trump?
As Mexico agrees to hold caravan migrants, the media begins to eat itself.
Get Ready for Political Theater in Wall Funding ‘Fight’
No real battle to secure the border will be forthcoming.
Are Sanctuary Cities Increasing the Risk of Homelessness?
Free tent, free land, and other essentials for the homeless will only swell their ranks.
Top Midterm Contenders and Their Lies Exposed
Whatever you feel about their motives, there’s no question that Project Veritas is effective.
Left Insists Migrants Fleeing Global Warming
The leftist media really will try anything to legitimize the March of the Migrant.