It’s been a rollercoaster ride on a rickety track that has the people of the Heartland bracing for another trip around the amusement park without a stop at the concession stand. Yes, folks, the ticket purchased by the Silent Majority when electing Donald Trump is slated for an additional three to seven years, and there’s a whole bunch of people scratching their heads from their birds’ nest view of The Swamp.
Liberty Nation made life-long friends traversing the Flyover states, spending time on the road and asking perfect strangers about the future of our great nation—whether positive or negative—and reporting on a national level those views. Hey, it worked for Trump.
One year ago, Americans were rejoicing as Trump delivered his inaugural address, with an abundance of promises to undo the previous decades of flawed public policy that included, of course, the Obama and George W. Bush administrations.
To quote the last guy in Oval Office, Middle America had “the audacity of hope,” once again.
And then the coaster stopped its ascension. And we hung on praying the rollback device held, when our own RINOs, not to name names but the entire Senate except Ted Cruz (TX-R), were suspiciously hacking away at the running rails.
The people of the Heartland, detailed in each and every interview I have conducted over the past 12 months, rank gridlock as the number one problem in the nation—not immigration, nuclear armament, climate change, Russia or the budget. Nope, the Silent Majority, which ironically is now raging aloud, is ready for the Mid-term elections to replace the divisive Republicans with loyal upstarts.
A fifth-generation farmer in Indiana summed up what the rest of the flyover folks believe, “We elect people who promise us if they get to Washington, gridlock will become a thing of the past. So, we vote for them, and nothing changes.”
George Grieves, an oil and gas guy I met in Kansas had a solution:
“Give them a time frame to repeal and replace, to do the people’s work and move this country forward. For every deadline missed, fine them and remove their benefits. We gave them the whole candy store, and still, we have no budget, no wall, no tax reform. They either have to play the game or get off the field.”
Hmm. I like his thinking. Maybe he needs to exchange numbers with Trump’s “very special guy” and right-hand man, General John Kelly.
Brace Yourself
So, we sit here, proud, polite and patriotic Midwesterners, facing the barrel rolls, banked turns and boomerang diving loops involving the governing of our blessed Nation—all while sitting uncomfortably on bench seats and without the solace of a cocktail.
The electorate that sent Mr. Trump to Washington, to reverse Obama-era flawed policies and Make America Great Again, realizes they wield unprecedented power, and know just how to use it; almost as if we have our index finger on the red button and the codes to launch in the palm of our hands. Yes, the voices of the Heartland are starting to sound a bit angry; so, bring on the midterms, strap on your shoulder harnesses and prepare for the double helix coming in 2018.