Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
For Heartlanders, this week proved their long-held belief that Democrats will do anything to retain power. Senate candidate John Fetterman, while on the national stage, was tortured – and not as a Hallowe’en prank. And quick to rebound, middle America dwellers watched with amusement as Twitterverse was taken over, occupied, and somewhat dismantled. Those seeking safe spaces skedaddled as if some omnipotent entity shone the light of truth in their direction. But the real question on everyone’s lips is how the assailant got over the wall at the Pelosi compound at such a coincidental October surprise time.
The Fetterman Funk
Pennsylvania candidates for US Senate, John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz appeared together in a televised debate. It did not go well for Democrat Fetterman, still visibly affected by a series of severe strokes. As Liberty Nation’s Senior Political Analyst Tim Donner noted: “Honestly, who could have imagined that Democrats would present a candidate in a crucial race that actually makes Joe Biden look robust in comparison?” And that’s precisely what flyover folks were keenly focused on with midterms just days away.
Fetterman is an avid fracking opponent and, in 2018, told a reporter, “I don’t support fracking at all. I never have.” During the painful back and forth, Fetterman was challenged about that very statement. He slid further down the slippery slope of truth, claiming, “I absolutely support fracking.”
It was the essence of pure Fetterman funk and undeniable for those who tuned in; the man was in deep trouble. In Maquoketa, IA, Dave Reed attempted to quote the candidate: “He said, ‘I support fracking and I ah, I ah, ah support fracking, and I support fracking.’”
Political pundit Ann Coulter made the following snort-worthy statement: “At least give Fetterman this: in 2022, a debate performance like that can accurately be called ‘presidential.’”
But what really caught a tailwind in the discussion was an observation from Linda Caton Pemberton in Basehor, KS: “This reminds me of someone in the white house. What some wives will not do to gain attention. They do not care who they damage along the way.”
Musk Makes Good on Firing Squad

Elon Musk (Muhammed Selim Korkutata / Anadolu Agency)
Elon Musk took the reins of Twitter and began operating the wagon in earnest. First out the door was CEO Parag Agrawal, CEO Ned Segal, and Vijaya Gadde, the “trust and safety” lead who seemingly likes censoring outspoken folks on the right. Of course, everyone knew this day was coming. But in adding angst to injury of the liberal ilk, Musk added back in an old Musketeer: Kanye West. And hopes are running high in certain circles that Donald Trump is slated for reinstatement.
But then there’s Windy. Windy Jones, not a celebrity, from Meeker, OK, and possibly the only Democrat within twenty square miles. Ms. Jones inadvertently launched an assault in her direction on Facebook as she threatened to leave the platform. A very risky statement to make on a clearly more First Amendment post: “Ok guys, he’s gonna let Trump back on there, so when that happens, along with Green and all the other pos’s I’m deleting it and will no longer have Twitter!” The hounds smelled a rabbit and began the hunt for Windy, and the nicest reply was from Dan Biegler in Phoenix: “that’s the way the free market and the exchange of ideas works. You made your own decision without censoring someone else.”
In Pearl, MS, Susan Bufkin was prepared: “Oh, this is going to get good. Time for popcorn and a comfy chair.” In Aledo, TX, Jace Hockaday focused on the bright side: “I thought we’d lost this country for good… things are looking up!”
The Pelosi Security System Fails

Paul Pelosi (Photo by Soeren Stache/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Paul Pelosi, the 82-year-old husband of the Speaker of the House, was attacked, hospitalized, and underwent surgery. According to the San Francisco Police Department, Pelosi’s alleged attacker, now in custody, is 42-year-old David DePape. During a press conference Friday, SFP related: “Our officers observed Pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it.”
As reported by the Associated Press, from undisclosed sources, the attack was not random, and the Pelosi residence was targeted. Heartlanders at first sent a prayer up to God’s bag of requests and then wondered aloud about how the guy penetrated the manse. In Missoula, MT, Dion Cassidy queried, “Attacked in his mansion, which I’m pretty sure has some type of security system in place, in a gated community with private security personnel? Hmmm…maybe smells just a bit fishy to me.”
The mixed bag of comments included the Democrats calling to defund police, illegal immigration problems, and an old-fashioned Smollett-style hoaxing. Marovitch, in Woodland Park, CO, asserted, “Maybe they shouldn’t have let all the criminals out of jail to vote for them.” And John Glander, up in Wahpeton, ND, didn’t like the timing one bit: “This is just a political stunt to make people feel sorry for Dems in order to get the votes.”
Is it really looking that bad for the Dems come November 8? Flyover folks think so.