The radical leftists have given up on Dreamers, DACA, immigration, and sanity while grasping at issues to charm...
Name, Rank, and Gender Identity? HS Traumatizes Students
Imagine being a teenager in high school. You know, those awkward years when everything is embarrassing and you’re...
Drew Brees: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished by the Left
Celebrities can have a lot of sway when it comes to promoting their opinions, endorsing specific goods, and...
The Heartland Sticks Up for Trump and Our Veterans
While the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at...
White Students to the Back of the Bus, Please
The University of South Dakota is taking a bit of heat after posing questions to its law students about whether...
Performance Pay for Texas Teachers: Does the Idea Have Merit?
Are teachers underpaid and under resourced? Going by all the recent and ongoing strikes, the answer would seem to...
Under Seige: E-Cig Giant Pours Cash into the Swamp
For those who have purchased the Cliff Notes edition to obtain an elementary understanding of libertarianism,...
CA Ethnic Studies Curriculum: A Model in Leftist Indoctrination
The woebegone planet known as the state of California has accomplished a rare feat. A proposed model curriculum...
Cuomo Goes Ballistic on Guns
Governor Andrew Cuomo took a few potshots at the already dying right to keep and bear arms in The Empire State as...