For a Nobel laureate, economist Paul Krugman possesses a poor track record. In 1998, Krugman predicted the...
Economic Affairs News
America Feeling Labor Pains – Swamponomics
Companies have become desperate for laborers as a drastic labor shortage occurs in our post-pandemic economy....
Swamponomics: China and the World Against Bitcoin
“They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?” This iconic line from the...
Will Bidenflation Sound the Deathknell for Democrats in 2022?
Inflation has been running hot as a combination of astronomical spending, historic monetary expansion, supply...
The Great Reset of U.S. Public Policy – Swamponomics
It's now clear that President Joe Biden and his administration are not as moderate as they've made the general...
Cui Bono? The World Responds to Biden’s Global Tax Proposal
For the last few decades, corporations have been shopping across the globe for the lowest corporate tax rate,...
China’s New Pandemic: A Bond Default Crisis
China was one of the first major countries to recover from the coronavirus-induced economic collapse – but at...
Bidenomics: Being Paid to Stay Home?
President Joe Biden appears to be talking out of both sides of his mouth. Following the abysmal April jobs...
Swamponomics: Bidenflation Signals Danger Ahead
What is the deal with inflation these days? Are Americans going to need to fill up their wheelbarrows to purchase...