It doesn’t pay to be a Trump supporter. In fact, when it comes to popularity contests in America, you could end up losing your crown. Kathy Zhu, a Chinese immigrant, is an avid Donald Trump supporter and conservative, and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. However, the left’s irrational fear of free speech led to the young pageant winner losing her hard-earned title as well as being called racist, Islamophobic, and insensitive.
Zhu’s “Offense”
The state director of the Miss World America beauty pageant for Michigan, Laurie DeJack, sent an email to Zhu stating that, effective immediately, the MWA no longer recognizes her as a “participant of any sort or in any capacity.” DeJack added that Zhu’s tweets on social media have included “offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content,” and demanded that she remove all evidence of having taken part in the contest.
Zhu, whose Twitter profile says she is an “independent thinker” and “political commentator” who wants to “fight for freedom of thought,” was condemned for posting what she insists are mere facts. When Zhu asked the director to provide examples of her “insensitive” tweets, Dejack cited a 2016 message which read:
“Did you know that other blacks cause the majority of black deaths? Fix problems within your own community before blaming others.”
As Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles pointed out, the high level of black on black crime is a reality that negatively affects members of that community. Facts and statistics give proof of this, yet the 20-year-old beauty pageant winner was severely reprimanded for arguing the point.
Refusing the Hijab
That was not the totality of Zhu’s offenses, however, and the next accusation really sends chills down the conservative spine. At a school function, Zhu refused to put on a hijab, which, according to the MWA, is a seriously offensive and racist crime. The pageant winner responded to DeJack’s email with questions of her own:
“Do you know what is ‘insensitive’?
What’s ‘insensitive’ is that women in the middle east are getting STONED TO DEATH for refusing to obey their husband’s order to wear hijabs.
A muslim woman tried to FORCEABLY put a hijab on my head without my permission. I tweeted about it on my social media, and it got the attention of the media. Almost everyone was supportive of me refusing to be put in that situation.
Are the people in MWA implying that they advocate for the punishment of women who refuse to wear a hijab?
If this was a catholic rosary that someone forced me to try on and I refused, people would not have even bat an eye.”
Zhu was a student at the University of Central Florida when the incident occurred. She did not feel comfortable participating in an event to mark World Hijab Day, and declined to try on the garment. Her refusal to don the Islamic head covering, Zhu claims, is one of the reasons the MWA confiscated her crown and title.
Zhu has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter and many of them have stood by her message. Every now and then, of course, idiotic rhetoric from the left will pop up, for example accusing her of being a white supremacist. In one tweet, Zhu responded by saying “You know I’m Asian right? The left will do everything they can to place this ‘white supremacist’ label on all trump supporters.”
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