Ten years ago, political animals of every stripe would be lining up outside Books-a-Million to get their hands on a copy of Donna Brazile’s new book out this Tuesday. These days they are more likely to just hit the pre-order button on Amazon. Either way, Brazile’s book will be a must-read for any political junkie who likes to hear tales from the campaign trail. And one senses that Ms. Brazile will not disappoint.
Among Brazile’s explosive revelations are that she considered replacing Mrs. Clinton with a Joe Biden/Corey Booker candidacy following the 9-11 Hillary fainting spell. She writes that the Clinton campaign had “the odor of failure” and that things at Hillary’s Brooklyn HQ were like a sterile hospital ward “where someone had just died,” according to a WaPo excerpt.
Dealing With the Mess
As someone in the know, the former DNC top dog depicted a financial mess left by Mr. Obama and siphoned to almost extinction under Mrs. Clinton. Badly in debt, Brazile had little to work with to fuel a Democratic victory and says she often felt like a “slave” and “whipping boy” instead of a woman at the helm of a major party committee.
“Hacks; The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House” should prove to be 288 pages of riveting reading no matter which side of the aisle you are on. And while it may not endear her to those in her party – it should. Honest accounts of troubling political affairs are too few and far between these days and can lead to understanding what went wrong and how best not to repeat it. This should be topic number one for any Democrat worth his salt.
Instead of listening and learning, a hundred or so prominent Democrats – from Huma Abedin to Mandy Grunwald – have penned an open letter disputing Ms. Brazile’s account of the HRC 2016 campaign debacle. They say they were “inspired” by Mrs. Clinton – well perhaps it’s nice that somebody was because the American people certainly weren’t.
Making Bridges
Even those of us on the other side of the political aisle from Brazile who do not share her views sense that she is an honest broker. After all, what does she have to gain from a book such as this other than to set the record straight and perhaps help her people learn what not to do next time around?
The party would do well to stop and learn from the likes of Donna Brazile lest they plan to repeat the same errors that got them into the position they are now – where they are pointing fingers and eating their own.
Thus far, one has the sense that many Democrats feel backed into a corner by Brazile’s honesty, dignity, and integrity, and have yet to take their earbuds out and hear what she is saying. They might do well to remember that smells are something that quickly and easily permeate the air and unless they want that “odor of failure” to saturate the entire Democratic party they would be better off to take a timeout than to play defense.
Stay tuned to Liberty Nation Radio and The Uprising Podcast in the weeks ahead for Donna Brazile as a featured guest on our programs.